Sweetening The Lemons…

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”…. This phrase is one that I’ve heard all my life. Doesn’t it seem like we are living in a period of time where life is giving us lots of lemons? If so, what have your lemons been? For me, the end of the year brought about a heaviness and stress that is not typical. From crazy weather and fires in our community to a new variant Covid surge, many of us had a holiday season that was negatively impacted. As we said goodbye to 2021, we may have been wondering what 2022 will look like. So much uncertainty still exists. Many of us are fatigued and burned out. It’s easy in this place to worry and fret about things that are out of our control. Instead, to bring some peace of mind, we can focus on what IS IN our control. What can we do to sweeten some of the lemons in our lives? What can we do to adjust our mindset to see OPPORTUNITY instead of fear, HOPE instead of worry or fret? Sweetening our lemons doesn’t mean we ignore how difficult things are or put our heads in the sand. Sweetening can be an act of defiance against the volatility of the world, or dedication to make the best of our situation. It’s a way of saying that in spite of difficulty, we choose to rise above, we choose to still see the sweetness of life. My “lemonade from lemons” for 2022 is my new private practice! I look forward to building and growing this year. I will be sharing my thoughts and feelings on my blog page as well as videos that will all be part of my “A Minute with Mar” series. In gratitude and with a humble heart, I thank you for checking out my website.


I think we need couples therapy…but what does that look like?😳